Privacy Policy

Last updated: September 2021

About Us

The object of our Church is to promote Spiritual Healing and the public observance and teaching of the religious philosophy of Spiritualism, having regard for the seven principles, but also to help & assist others on their Path.


The Seven Principles are:


  1. The Fatherhood of God
  2. The Brotherhood of Man and the acceptance of Jesus Christ as a Spiritual example
  3. Communion of Spirit and the Ministry of Angels
  4. The continuous existence of the Human Soul
  5. Personal responsibility
  6. Compensation and the Retribution hereafter for all the good and evil deeds done on Earth
  7. Eternal progress – open to every Soul




This policy sets out how we collect your personal information, what we do with it, how we keep it secure and explains your rights in relation to any personal information we hold about you.


More information can be provided upon request. Please contact us by sending an email to the Secretary at



Why do we process your personal information?

Why we process your personal information depends on your relationship with us and we have set out those reasons further below. In all cases we justify our processing of your personal information on one of the following ways:


  • you have given us a positive indication of your consent to use your personal information for a stated purpose(s);
  • where we are required to do so or are authorised by law to do so (such as provision of Trustee details to the Charity Commission);
  • where to do so is necessary in order to pursue our legitimate interests in a way which is reasonably expected by you as part of running our charity. This would never be detrimental to you and would have minimal impact on your privacy. For example, assessing demand for training and workshop sessions based on records of attendance at sessions run in the past.



Collection, use and disclosure of your personal information

We collect and process personal information about:


  • our Church members, Church Committee Members and Trustees;
  • visiting mediums;
  • those attending training sessions and workshops;
  • members of our congregation with health conditions wishing to receive healing;
  • persons providing us with retained services
  • third parties, including suppliers and other service providers


The personal information we collect includes the types of data shown below. If you would like to access the personal information we hold about you, please contact us in writing at



Church members, Church Committee Members and Trustees

Types of personal data


  • Identification (e.g. name).
  • Contact information (e.g. your postal address, preferred telephone (number and email address).
  • Whether you have attended Church regularly for six months.
  • Financial information (e.g. in relation to paying for an event).
  • Details of complaints and investigations of complaints.
  • Images (e.g. photos taken during our events).
  • Any other information relating to you which you may provide to us in correspondence.
  • Signature




Church Membership Application Form and Membership Records



To administer your Church membership.


If you are a committee member then we also use this to manage committee proceedings such as notifying you of meetings and distributing minutes.


If you are also a Trustee then by law (section 30(1) Charities Act 2011) we must provide your personal details to the Charity Commission.


To facilitate internal charity operations.


Monitoring and analysing our interactions with you to improve our relationship.


To monitor compliance with Church policies.



Your personal information may be provided to service providers who support the operation of our Church but we will always discuss this with you first.


Where this is shared with service providers we will ensure that it is limited to the minimum required for providing the service and will be adequately protected.


We will not disclose your personal information to third parties unless we are required to do so by law or where you have asked us to do so.


If you are also a Trustee then by law (section 30(1) Charities Act 2011) we must provide your personal details to the Charity Commission.



Visiting Mediums

Types of personal data


  • Identification (e.g. name).
  • Contact information (e.g. postal address, preferred telephone

    number, email address and social media contact details).

  • Details of fees charged.

  • Health information (e.g. access and dietary requirements).




In writing (including via paper form, email, social media contact such as Facebook Messenger or groups), face-to-face or verbal via telephone conversation or text message.


From business cards circulated by you.



For the purpose of booking mediums in advance and to administer the booking once made, including payment of fees and/or expenses as agreed.


So that we may contact you when necessary.


To monitor compliance with Church policies.



Your personal information may be provided to Committee Members where necessary to support Church business.


We will not disclose your personal information to third parties unless we are required to do so by law or where you have asked us to do so.


Attendees at our Training Sessions and Workshops

Types of personal data


  • Identification (e.g. name).
  • Contact information (e.g. your postal address, preferred telephone number, email address and social media contact details).
  • Financial information (e.g. in relation to paying for an event).
  • Images (e.g. photos taken during our events).
  • Details of training received from us.
  • Records of healing administered (where relevant).
  • Any other information relating to you which you may provide to us in correspondence.
  • Signature.
  • Health information (e.g. access and dietary requirements for our events).




From each individual attendee

Expressions of interest or requests to attend one of our sessions, either in writing (including via webform, paper form, email, social media contact such as Facebook Messenger or groups), face-to-face or verbal via telephone conversation or text message.



To record, administer and cater (where appropriate) for your attendance at our sessions and so we may contact you in the event of unforeseen events such as cancellations.


To keep a record of training sessions and workshops which you have attended and the training which you have received.


To provide you with details of future events of a similar nature where you have given us consent to do so.


So that we may monitor the success of our workshop and training sessions and establish interest in the development of further offerings.


To monitor compliance with Church policies.



Your personal information may be provided to service providers who support the operation of our Church but when we do this we will ensure that it is limited to the minimum required for providing the service and will be adequately protected.


We will not disclose your personal information to third parties unless we are required to do so by law or where you have asked us to do so.


Members of our Congregation with Health Conditions Wishing to Receive Healing

Types of personal data


  • Identification (e.g. name).
  • Contact information (e.g. your postal address, preferred telephone number, email address and social media contact details).
  • Any other information relating to you which you may provide to us in correspondence.
  • Health information (e.g. medical conditions).




From each individual attendee

Requests to receive healing, either in writing (including via email), face-to- face or verbal via telephone conversation or text message.



To record basic details of relevant health conditions for those wishing to receive healing where this is delivered by a healer or trainee healer. This is to ensure that Church can give appropriate consideration when deciding whether and how to administer healing. Also to provide a record of healing administered in the knowledge of a disclosed condition(s).


To administer and cater (where appropriate) for attendance at our healing sessions.


To monitor compliance with Church policies.



Your personal information may be provided to Committee Members where necessary to support Church business. When we do this we will ensure that it is limited to the minimum required for providing the service and will be adequately protected.


We will not disclose your personal information to third parties unless we are required to do so by law or where you have asked us to do so.



Persons Providing us with Retained Services

Types of personal data


  • Identification (e.g. name).
  • Contact details (address, telephone number(s), email address).
  • Background checks (e.g. references).
  • Identity documents (e.g. passport, utility bills, driving licence and right to work status).
  • Information relating to next of kin.
  • Financial information including bank details and identifiers.
  • (e.g. National Insurance numbers).




Personal data will be collected from application forms and references provided by your nominated contact.



For administrative purposes, including making payments to you for services you have provided to Church.


So that we may contact you when necessary.


To monitor compliance with Church policies.



Your personal information may be provided to Committee Members where necessary to support Church business; also to service providers who support the operation of our Church. When we do this we will ensure that it is limited to the minimum required for providing the service and will be adequately protected.


We will not disclose your personal information to third parties unless we are required to do so by law or where you have asked us to do so.



Third Parties, including suppliers and other service providers

Types of personal data


  • Identification information (e.g. title, name, the company you work for, your job title or position).
  • Contact information (e.g. your postal address, email address and telephone number).
  • Financial information (e.g. payment-related information).




Directly from you

Personal information is collected from you directly such as that contained in your quotations and invoices.


From Third Parties

Some further information may be collected from third parties, such as publicly available reference sources.



To manage and administer our relationship with you.


To meet our charitable aims.


To monitor compliance with Church policies.



Your personal information may be provided to Committee Members where necessary to support Church business; also to service providers who support the operation of our Church. When we do this we will ensure that it is limited to the minimum required for providing the service and will be adequately protected.


We will not disclose your personal information to third parties unless we are required to do so by law or where you have asked us to do so.



How long do we keep your information for?

We will always retain your personal information in accordance with applicable law, regulation and our data retention schedule which sets out the appropriate retention period.


We will never retain your information for longer than is necessary, taking account of factors such as:


  • how long we need to keep the data for in the event of any claims or litigation;
  • guidance from official bodies such as the Information Commissioner’s Office;
  • how long we need to keep the data to fulfil the original purpose for which it was collected;
  • the nature and sensitivity of the personal data and;
  • compliance with legal obligations (e.g. to preserve data relevant to official investigations).


If you wish to learn more about our specific retention periods please contact us at



How do we protect your data?

We take a variety of measures to protect your personal data in order to meet with our obligations under the Data Protection Act 2018.


Where this is contained in paper based documents we keep these secure in a locked filing cabinet which is itself contained within a locked office. Access to the office is strictly controlled and only four Committee Members have access to this. In some instances certain details, such as those relating to visiting Mediums, are also held personally by a Committee Member. These details are kept in a locked receptacle which is accessible by only those who are authorised to do so.


Personal information in electronic format is stored on a hard drive on a dedicated desktop computer. Access to this is password protected and the computer itself is kept within a locked office. Only those Committee Members with a need to know are provided with the computer password. Similarly, some details held electronically are kept personally by Committee Members. Where this is the case, such details are password protected and accessible by only those who are authorised to do so.



Your rights

We process the personal information we hold about you in line with your rights under applicable law. You have the right:


  • to request a copy of your personal information;
  • for your information to be processed by us fairly and in a transparent way;
  • to object to processing of your personal information where we do so for the purposes of our legitimate interests;
  • to request that any inaccurate personal information we hold about you is corrected or deleted;
  • to request that we delete your personal information under certain circumstances and;
  • to opt out of receiving information from us relating to future events.



Should you wish to make a request in line with your rights as an individual, please send it in writing to



How to make a complaint

You should direct any complaint relating to how Church has processed your personal information to the Secretary at Our postal address can also be found further below.


We will always do our best to resolve any query or concern you raise about our use of your personal information.



Cookies and other technologies

We use minimal cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience. Our cookies are strictly limited to default cookies. In an effort to protect your privacy, we do not collect cookies for analytics, ad targeting and marketing purposes, nor do we sell your personal information. By clicking “Ok” on our website, you consent to the use of all the cookies.


We are solely responsible for the content of this website. If you have any comments or complaints about its content please contact the Secretary at



Links to other websites

We sometimes provide you with links to other websites, but these websites are not under our control. We will not be liable to you for any issues arising in connection with their use of your information, the website content or the services offered to you by these websites.


We recommend that you check the privacy policy and terms and conditions on each website to see how each third party will process your information.


For further information about the Data Protection Act 2018 and your rights under this and the General Data Protection Regulation please visit



Contact information

The Secretary, Harrogate Spiritual Healing Church, Chattan House, 14 Princes Square, Harrogate, North Yorkshire, HG1 1LL


